Academic legacy of Professor Sergei V.Valdaytsev
This article shows the main stages of the creative path of St. Petersburg State University professor Sergei Vasilievich Valdaitsev (1951–2012), who made a significant contribution to the creation and development of the domestic school of economics, science and innovation. The features of the Soviet stage of the emergence of scientific studies and the economics of scientific and technological progress, the origins of the formation of the first scientific and technical complexes in the Soviet Union are characterized. The problems of the first studies in this area are shown: the history of science and technology, the subject of the economics of science, the peculiarities of labor in the scientific field, the forms of combining science and production. The contribution of scientists from Leningrad State University in the formation of the national school of economics, science and innovation is noted. The article focuses on the contribution of S.V.Valdaitsev to the transformation of domestic innovation in a market economy. After completing a year-long internship at the Free University of Berlin, Sergei Vasilyevich was able to formulate the basic principles of the transition of domestic scientific studies to a market-oriented approach. In just a few years, the educational process at the Department of Economics of Research and Development of Leningrad State University was restructured: the courses taught began to reflect market realities in the field of science and technology. A process of consulting domestic scientific organizations and high-tech enterprises of the city of Leningrad regarding the transition to market relations was established. Thanks to the efforts of S.V.Valdaytsev, the domestic school quickly caught up with the level of foreign research and began to contribute to the achievements of the global economy of innovative activity. The article reveals the content of the most important scientific works of Sergei Vasilievich, shows his contribution to reforming the educational process in the training of managers of innovative projects and the management system of the innovation process in the Russian Federation.
research and development, economics of science, science, innovation, innovation management, intellectual property, business valuation
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