Post-Crisis Imperatives for Development of the Global Financial System


  • Вячеслав Михайлович Шавшуков St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Global crisis of 2008–2009 has identifi ed fundamental problems of the post-crisis development of the world economy. Among all, the first XXI century crisis was a crisis of elements of the current national and world fi nancial system. It has proved that the international financial assets markets cannot be self-regulated. The crisis has sharpened contradictions between the global and national finance. Secondly, the crisis raised a problem of identifying global finance regulators, based either on the national sovereignty and protectionism or on the international regulation and control. Thirdly, in 2010–2011, the world economy faced the risks of post-crisis development. Finally, recent events in geoeconomy and geopolitics, natural and industrial disasters questioned the concept of globalisation in general and raised the question of its reversibility. This paper presents author’s conception of the globalisation processes and their structural modification.


global financial system, nature of financial-economic crisis 2008–2009, international regulation, risks of post-crisis period, reversibility of globalization process


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Author Biography

Вячеслав Михайлович Шавшуков, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

доктор экономических наук, профессор


Литература на русском языке

References in Latin Alphabet

The Economist. 2011. May 14th–20th. 102 р.

OTC derivatives market activity in the second half of 2010. URL: (дата обращения: 01.12.2010).

Fiscal Policy Challenges in the Post-Crisis World: Speech by John Lipsky, First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund аt the China Development Forum. 2010. March 21. URL: http://www. htm (дата обращения: 05.06. 2011).

URL:; http://www. opec. ru/docs. aspx?id=225&ob_no=88151 (дата обращения: 17.02.2011).

URL: http://www. rosbalt. ru/business/2010/01/12/703227. html (дата обращения: 20.03.2011).

China Monetary Policy Report Quarter Four, 2010. URL: http://www. (дата обращения: 25.09.2011).

IMF Annual Report 2000. Washington, 2000.

Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Шавшуков, В. М. (2012). Post-Crisis Imperatives for Development of the Global Financial System. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (2), 033–040. Retrieved from



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