Editorial Policy of the Journal

General provisions

The editorial policy of the St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies (SUJES) is determined by its mission and purpose and is formed by the editorial board. Requirements for publications do not contain any restrictions, except for the need to comply with the principles of scientific ethics and rules for registration of publications:

  • relevance to the SUJES field;
  • correct use of scientific terminology;
  • structure, logical development and consistency of the text;
  • use of appropriate evidence.

The editor-in-chief may reject the submitted manuscript if it is inconsistent with the editorial policy of the SUJES.


The strategic goal of the editorial policy of the journal

Make the journal one of the leading international periodicals that emphasize the development of emerging markets and become a kind of link between scientists all over the world through research on the harmonization of growth trends in economies of various types and levels of maturity. To achieve this goal, the journal expands the geography of potential Russian and foreign authors by attracting both well-known and young academics involved in research on the dynamics of economic processes in emerging markets.


Current goals and objectives of the editorial policy of the publication

The most important current goals and objectives of the editorial policy are:

  1. Selection and publication of research results and projects reflecting:
  • the current state and prospects for the development of economic science and practice in the context of the idea of convergence of the principles of development of countries at different stages of the political, economic and social development of society;
  • problems and difficulties impeding the positive dynamics of development of countries with emerging markets;
  • specific ways and means to solve (overcome) these problems and difficulties.
  1. Assistance to the development of promising and priority research directions in the field of economics, finance, and innovation in the Russian scientific and economic community.
  2. Stimulation of fruitful scientific and practical activities of specialists from different areas of economics by drawing attention to global trends and the specifics of countries with emerging markets, prospects and factors for accelerating economic development, opportunities and areas of emerging cooperation.
  3. Strengthening the integration links of scientific centers and laboratories of St Petersburg State University, engaged in research in the field of economics, with other Russian and foreign scientific schools.


Characteristics of the journal and its editorial policy

The feature of the publication policy is the selection of materials reflecting:

(a) theoretical and methodological advances and the latest empirical research which are crucial for accelerating the development of emerging markets;

(b) the specifics of countries with emerging markets and scientific and practical developments in this field which are necessary for the development of theories and provisions of a general scientific character applicable to the economy of any type;

(c) the directions of integration processes unfolding in the Eurasian economic space, as well as in the most important regions of the world (North and East Asia, Northern, Central and Southern Europe) and international organizations (BRICS, SCO, APEC, EAEU, etc.).