Reflection of the concept of energy transfer in the development strategies of industries and regions of Russia


  • Dmitry Ershov Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance of Russia;Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Maria Sigova Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Irina Nikitina Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration;International Banking Institute named after Anatoliy Sobchak



The article discusses the reasons and factors that make it necessary to transform the structure
of the energy sector and approaches developed to implement the state policy of energy transition
in modern conditions without creating an additional burden on the environment. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the global trend of transition to the use of alternative energy sources, the development of low-carbon technologies and considerations of the exhaustibility of sources of fossil raw materials with the objective need to find ways to develop alternative energy, as well as increased external sanctions pressure. A brief review of approaches to the development of energy strategies in several foreign countries is presented including relevant documents of the USA, European Union, Germany and France. The conclusion is made
about the global nature of the energy transition processes and the seriousness of the challenges facing Russia in the context of current trends in the transformation of the world energy industry and attempts to use the energy transition factor to increase external pressure. The current Russian strategic planning documents at the federal, sectoral and regional levels are analyzed in terms of reflecting the state policy measures for the development of renewable energy and the decarbonization of the economy. Among the documents of the federal level, the strategies of national security, economic security, the strategy of socio-economic development with low greenhouse gas emissions (low-carbon strategy) and the strategy for the development of the Arctic zone are considered. Industry strategies for the development of metallurgy, energy, transport, construction, science and technology are analyzed, as well as regional strategies for some subjects of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to develop a systemic long-term state policy in the field of energy transition and its introduction in the strategies of industries and regions of Russia


energy transition, renewable energy sources, state energy policy, energy efficiency, decarbonization of the economy, sanctions pressure


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How to Cite

Ershov, D., Sigova, M., & Nikitina, I. . (2023). Reflection of the concept of energy transfer in the development strategies of industries and regions of Russia. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 39(1), 73–101.



Russia and economy of emerging markets