Transition to a Green Economy on the Example of Innovative Development of the Regional Forest Complex
The article reveals the role of the forest sector in addressing the complex problems associated with the transition to a green economy, identifi es barriers that stand in the way of “going green” and directions for innovative development. The authors think that creation of the industrial forestry park at the regional level is an important tool for the implementation of a green economy. This idea is being tested by the industrial park, scheduled for placement in the Komi Republic. Taking into account the progress of the forest sector in the transition to a green economy and current problems within the sector in the region we propose a list of economically and technologically viable measures to establish an eco-industrial park. Their implementation is aimed at the development of promising green timber processing technologies, ensuring improvements in wood processing and disposal of all industrial wastes. There were calculated the indicators of economic efficiency of this complex project designed to provide significant environmental and social results. It is shown that such eco-industrial parks, which should be organized on a network basis, can play an important role as an element of innovation infrastructure, which simultaneously enhances competitiveness of the regional economy and increases social welfare. Refs 57. Figs 2. Tables 2.
sustainable development, green economy, industrial park, forest policy, innovative technologies of wood processing
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