The influence of the components of structural shifts on the level of employment in the economy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of an effective system of employment in the economy of the region. The structure of employment by types of economic activity is an indicator of the state of the socio-economic development of the region; when forming employment policy at the regional level, it is necessary to take into account structural shifts in employment, reflecting intersectoral overflows of labor resources. A classification of types of economic activity is proposed according to the ratio of the degree of impact of the components of structural changes (national, sectoral, regional) on the level of employment of the population, reflecting the conditions for the development of the industry in the region and allowing to identify industries that are promising for increasing employment. The main task of the classification is to identify the types of economic activity for the development of which there are favorable conditions in the region. Research hypothesis: the key points of growth in the number of people employed in the region can become economic activities for which the regional component takes a positive maximum value, which confirms the presence in the region of growth factors for these industries that can provide them with competitive advantages. To test the hypothesis, the proposed classification was tested on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), partly included in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The contribution of national, sectoral, regional factors to the change in employment by type of economic activity is analyzed, industries that have a priority impact on increasing the level of employment in the region are identified. Based on a comparison with other regions that are wholly or partially included in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the significance for increasing the number of types of economic activities employed in the economy of the regions for which the regional component of structural changes is positive and exceeds the national and sectoral ones (first, second, third groups of classification) is shown. ), which confirms the hypothesis. On the basis of the carried-out classification, an assessment of the effectiveness of the regional employment policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the context of types of economic activity is given, directions for increasing employment are proposed.
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), structural shifts in employment, types of economic activity, components of structural shifts, industries of specialization, regional employment policy
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