Foreign Investments and “The German Domination” in Russian Economy in the beginnings of the XX Century: Reasons, Struggle and Consequences



In this article the questions, connected with a general state of affairs in foreign investments in Russia at the beginning of the XXth century, and also taking place in national history an event which received the name “fight against the German domination” in the years of World War I are considered. This fight was considered by the Russian government as a condition of ensuring growth of domestic industrial production, that is as a factor of economic growth of national economy. In the conditions of a current situation of Russian economy, which faced with the new problems connected with sanctions policy of the Western countries and with the necessity to search the ways of overcoming the crisis phenomena caused by it. Without setting tasks of issuing ready recipes of anti-recessionary regulation, the author considers events of centenary prescription from the point of view of such policy effectiveness determination. Whether the policy of import substitution, which started to be propagandized actively recently, can become a real factor of economic growth or its productivity will be comparable
with productivity of “fight against domination”, and the consequences will be too negative? The wishes stated a century ago by economic community and requirements to economic policy of the state, which practically didn’t change in a century, allows us to speak about a suspense of these problems. Only systematic institutional transformations can become a source of economic welfare and independence of Russia, but not doubtful realization of the next political company caused by action of external factors. Refs 28. Figs 2.


Foreign capitals, German capitals, World War I, “The German Domination”,, The Moscow merchant society


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Author Biography

Олег Николаевич Мисько, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Мисько, О. Н. (2015). Foreign Investments and “The German Domination” in Russian Economy in the beginnings of the XX Century: Reasons, Struggle and Consequences. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (3), 081–113. Retrieved from



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