On the issue of classification of agricultural insurance taking into account modern trends in its development


  • Irina Logvinova Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation;Synergy University




The Russian legislation does not contain the term “agricultural insurance”, however, in modern publications of Russian scientists and practitioners of the insurance business, this term is used as a synonym for the term “farm insurance”. The article explores the question of the identity
of these terms, and their content is correlated with the provisions of Russian legislation. This makes it possible to explore the options for classifying varieties of agricultural insurance offered in the publications of Russian authors, as well as to propose other options for classifications. According to the author of the article, the classification of varieties of agricultural insurance based on a systematic approach and a clearly formulated criterion is important for
identifying the essential features of new varieties for our country and their positioning in accordance with the provisions of Russian insurance legislation. The classifications proposed in the article made it possible to formulate the definition of the so-called “index-based crop insurance” used abroad. A number of Russian scientists propose to introduce such insurance in our country, but there are open questions related to its compliance with the provisions of Russian insurance legislation, for example, in terms of determining the object of insurance or the type of insurance. The article developed three types of classification of varieties of agricultural insurance: on the basis of a criterion that is used as a confirmation of the fact of the occurrence of an insured event; based on the number of risks against which the insurance contract protects; on the basis of the object in which the insured wealth interests materialized. Positioning of index-based crop insurance in each of the developed classifications made it possible to develop a scientific definition of this type of insurance: index crop insurance is a special insurance mechanism (significantly different from the classical insurance mechanism), within which multi-risk business risk insurance is carried out, that is, the risk of a decrease in income associated with the yield of crops grown for sale, for reasons beyond the control of the agricultural producer.



agroinsurance, insurance of agricultural risks, insurance of risks of agricultural enterprises, agricultural insurance, protection of wealth interests of agricultural producers, index-based insurance, multi-risk insurance


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How to Cite

Logvinova, I. (2024). On the issue of classification of agricultural insurance taking into account modern trends in its development. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 40(3), 483–505. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu05.2024.307



Public finance, insurance and banking