Russia in the System of Governance of the World Economy: from (self)isolation to Chairmanship in G20



The article aims at identifying the key periods in Russia’s integration into the system of global governance through the prism of international political economy. One of the most important features of post-Soviet developments was intensive interplay of political and economic markets which provided for Russia’s accession to G8 and later to WTO in exchange for initial commitments by Yeltsin administration to regard NATO as the main pillar of the post-cold war security architecture. Current stage of Russia’s participation in the global governance is characterized by its inclusiveness in practically all global institutions of the world economy, by its active role in agenda setting both as a state and as a member of titutions (G8, G20, BRICS) and willingness to further democratize postcold war international order. Refs 40. Tables 7.


global governance, international regime, government power, contact group


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Author Biography

Никита Андреевич Ломагин, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Doctor of History, Professor


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Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Ломагин, Н. А. (2014). Russia in the System of Governance of the World Economy: from (self)isolation to Chairmanship in G20. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (1), 071–090. Retrieved from



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