Forming the Modern International Transportation Infrastructure: Political Factors


  • Елена Глебовна Ефимова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Катри Пинониеми Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 23B, Arkadiankatu, Helsinki, 00100, Finland


The article investigates the impact of political factors on the construction and modernization of transport infrastructure during the world economic crisis. In the period, absolute growth of investments in its construction and further development is fi xed. Particular attention is paid to the identifi cation and assessment of investments political risk for key infrastructure projects. The transport sector is remaining consistently profi table for investors. State support is aimed at creating additional workplaces, at increasing tax revenues to the national budget. The authors estimated the correlation of national political risks and the capital resources involved in the transport infrastructure. Russian case verifi es that large-scale investments in transport infrastructure are possible even at relatively high national political risks. Statistical analysis of investments in transport objects in large-scale and small leading economies both in statics and dynamics was carried out. In the post-crisis period, structure of fi nancial markets, the composition of its players, and investments in the transport infrastructure are changing. Refs 74. Tables 9.


political factors, political risks, international transport infrastructure, financing international transport infrastructure, world economic crisis


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Author Biographies

Елена Глебовна Ефимова, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Катри Пинониеми, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 23B, Arkadiankatu, Helsinki, 00100, Finland

Doctor (PhD) of International Affairs


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Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Ефимова, Е. Г., & Пинониеми, К. (2014). Forming the Modern International Transportation Infrastructure: Political Factors. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (2), 032–056. Retrieved from



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