Economy and Anti-economy: Transformation in the Post-Soviet Space


  • Повилас Гилис Lithuania Seim (Parliament), 53, Gedimino pr., Vilnius, 01109, Republic of Lithuani


The gist of this article is the idea that post-Soviet economy transformation, according to the statements of Western and Russian analysts, economists, politologists, and journalists was not only the refl ection of “pure” economic, social, and political progress, particularly at the initial stage. In this process we can find both elements of progress and regress, regimes of economics and anti-economics. The latter are occurred in the regimes producing economic (public and private) evil in different kinds of losses of scare human, material and other resources causing decrease of countries’ aggregate economic potential. Essential role in the revolutionary reforms direction and character was played by elite and population indoctrination which was done in the individualistic manner occurring in the economy as the market fundamentalism. In the result, reforms became anti-system and negatively infl uenced effectiveness of the public sector producing very important type of economic goods. Being the goods of common use produced in conditions of scarcity of resources, these system goods are used to form the economy infrastructure — material links (communication, roads, etc.) and non-material liaisons (political governance, legislative system). Society’s inability to reproduce these goods leads to system’s disease — the major expression of anti-economy in post-socialist countries.


anti-economy, post-socialist countries, reforms


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Author Biography

Повилас Гилис, Lithuania Seim (Parliament), 53, Gedimino pr., Vilnius, 01109, Republic of Lithuani

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Member of Republic of Lithuania Seim (Parliament)


Литература на русском языке

References in Latin Alphabet

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Gylys P. The Political Anti-economy of Transformations in CEE Countries // Ekonomika, Vilniaus universiteto mokslo darbai. 2008. N 83. Р. 77–89.

Гринберг Р., Рубинштейн А. Основания смешанной экономики. М.: РАН, 2008. 480 с.

Hard Budgets, Soft States / Eatwell J. and others. London, 2000. 176 p.

Klein N. The Shock Doctrine. London: Penguin Group, 2007. 558 р.

Lietuvos statistikos metraštis 2011 / Lietuvos statistikos departamentas. Vilnius, 2012. 718 c.

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Ellman M. The Increase in Death and Disease under Katastroika // Cambridge Journal of Economics. 1994. N 3. Р. 19–27.

Translation of references in Russian into English

Gylys P. Ekonomika. Vilniaus universiteto mokslo darbai. 2005. N 72, pp.1–11.

Gylys P. Ekonomika, Vilniaus universiteto mokslo darbai. 2008. N 83, pp.77–89.

Grinberg R., Rubinshtein A. Osnovaniia smeshannoi ekonomiki (The base of the mixed economy). Moscow: RAN, 2008. 480 p.

Hard Budgets, Soft States. Eatwell J. and others. London, 2000. 176 p.

Klein N. The Shock Doctrine. London: Penguin Group, 2007. 558 p.

Lietuvos statistikos metraљtis 2011. Lietuvos statistikos departamentas. Vilnius, 2012. 718 p.

Lietuvos satistikos metraљtis 1995. Lietuvos statistikos departamentas. Vilnius, 1996. 648 p.

Lietuvos satistikos metraљtis 1994. Lietuvos statistikos departamentas. Vilnius, 1995. 661 p.

Ellman M. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 1994. N 3, pp.19–27.



How to Cite

Гилис, П. (2013). Economy and Anti-economy: Transformation in the Post-Soviet Space. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (1), 015–024. Retrieved from



Economic theory in historical development