The Russian Economists at the Turn of XXth Century about Peasant Reform (1861) and its Influence on the Development of Agriculture in Russia


  • Александр Николаевич Дубянский St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


In this article, some methods of conducting Peasant reform (1861) considered in the works of Russian economists at the turn of XXth century are examined. It is noted that despite the emancipation of the Russian peasantry from the bondage in the result of the Reform, this fundamental transformation of peasant life did not contribute to Russian agriculture development, but on the contrary, led to stagnation and further deepening agrarian crisis.


modernization, agriculture, serfdom, land allotment, Peasant reform (1861)


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Author Biography

Александр Николаевич Дубянский, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

доктор экономических наук, доцент


Литература на русском языке

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References in Latin Alphabet

Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Дубянский, А. Н. (2011). The Russian Economists at the Turn of XXth Century about Peasant Reform (1861) and its Influence on the Development of Agriculture in Russia. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (2), 018–027. Retrieved from



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