Japanese General Trading Companies in Europe


  • Марина Николаевна Самойлова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Japanese general trading companies (sōgō shōsha) are playing a significant role for trade as well as for mediation of Japanese foreign direct investments. Throughout the history of general trading companies, their functions, although remaining mostly unchanged, were broadened and
modernized in order to follow the needs of evolving Japanese economy. Sōgō shōsha possess a wide network of representative offices all over the world. Nowadays there are all big Japanese general trading companies are presented and effectively operating in Europe. During the last
ten years, Central and Eastern European countries have attracted the great attention of sōgō shōsha.


general trading companies, Japan, Europe, Central and Eastern European countries, foreign direct investments, economic transaction


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Author Biography

Марина Николаевна Самойлова, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Литература на русском языке

Лещенко Н. Ф. Из самураев в купцы: история Торгового дома Мицуи // История и современность. 2008. № 1. С. 113–132.

References in Latin Alphabet

Dicken P., Miyamachi Y. ‘From Noodles to Satellites’: The Changing Geography of The Japanese Sogo Shosha // Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. New Series. 1998. Vol. 23. N 1. Р. 55–78.

Dicken P., Tickell A. Putting Japanese Investment in Europe in Its Place // Area. 1997. Vol. 29. N 3. Р. 200–212.

Maeda K. Business Activities of General Trading Companies // General Trading Companies / Ed. by S. Yonekawa. Tokyo, 1990.

Our Role as a General Trading Company // Mitsui & Co. Ltd. Data Book. 2009.

Sumitomo Corporation. Annual Report 2009. URL: http://www.sumitomocorp.co.jp/english/ir/doc/2009f/ar2009.pdf (дата обращения: 30.05.2010).

Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Самойлова, М. Н. (2010). Japanese General Trading Companies in Europe. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (3), 129–133. Retrieved from https://economicsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/3131



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