Fuzzy Regression Model of Poverty Level Forecasting (in Azerbaijan)


  • Нигяр Акрамовна Абдуллаева Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Cybernetics, 30, Istiglaliyyat str., Baku, Az1001, Azerbaijan Republic; Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, 3, Youth Square, Baku city, AZ 1005, Azerbaijan Republic


The paper is devoted to the study of poverty level in dependence on population incomes, unemployment coefficient, inflation level, and living standards and forecasting of poverty level for the next three years. For this moment, such type of forecasting problems was solved with the classical linear regression. In this article, for poverty level forecasting fuzzy regression model is offered.


poverty level, population incomes, unemployment coefficient, inflation level, living standards, forecasting, fuzzy regression model


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Author Biography

Нигяр Акрамовна Абдуллаева, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Cybernetics, 30, Istiglaliyyat str., Baku, Az1001, Azerbaijan Republic; Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, 3, Youth Square, Baku city, AZ 1005, Azerbaijan Republic

аспирантка; специалист отдела защиты трудовых и социально-экономических интересов трудящихся


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Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Абдуллаева, Н. А. (2010). Fuzzy Regression Model of Poverty Level Forecasting (in Azerbaijan). St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (4), 136–143. Retrieved from https://economicsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/3154



Mathematical models in economics