China’s Foreign Trade Strategy: Evolution and the Need for Adjustment


  • Вэйди Чжоу Педагогический университет Центрального Китая


In 2004, the total foreign trade amount of China for the first time stepped over 1000 billion US$, what makes China the third one in the world foreign trade next to America and Germany. Foreign trade growth has made a tremendous contribution to China’s economic development. Significant growth of Chinese international trade has been based based upon the huge investments of resources, so China still facing many problems: increasing trade conflicts, sharpening energy issues, dominating low value added operations. Therefore, in order to become a trade powerful country, China should adjust its international trade strategy.


China, foreign trade, processing trade, trade structure, «smile» curve, international production, value chain


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Author Biography

Вэйди Чжоу, Педагогический университет Центрального Китая



Литература на русском языке

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Характеристики развития торговли услугами в Китае // Доклад о развитии торговли услугами Китая (

Характеристики развития торговли услугами в Китае // Доклад о развитии торговли услугами Китая (

References in Latin Alphabet

Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Чжоу, В. (2009). China’s Foreign Trade Strategy: Evolution and the Need for Adjustment. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (1), 067–076. Retrieved from



Global economy