Integrated Groups of Companies in today’s Russian Economy: Clarifying Definition and Classification for the Purpose of Management


  • Мария Александровна Евневич Delovoy Peterburg Newspaper, 5, Akademika Pavlova ul., St. Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation


The article is devoted to integrated groups of companies in today’s Russian economy. Special attention is given to working out the proper definition of IGC and to the specifics of classifying IGC. The proper classification of IGC is necessary for choosing the structure of managing IGC. The author points out that it is not possible to use foreign ways of management in the full scale and proposes to classify IGC according to the features that influence the forming of management structure.


Integrated Groups of Companies


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Author Biography

Мария Александровна Евневич, Delovoy Peterburg Newspaper, 5, Akademika Pavlova ul., St. Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation

заместитель главного редактора


Литература на русском языке

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Институциональная экономика / Под рук. Д. С. Львова. М., 2001.

Информационное агентство

Паппэ Я. Ш. Олигархи: Экономическая хроника, 1992–2000. М., 2000. С. 26.

Слияния и поглощения. M&A. 2006. № 3. Март.

Трофимова И. Крупные корпорации и эффективность экономики // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. 1992. № 9. С. 57.

ФПГ: Анализ интегрированных структур, исследование / Авдашева С. Б., Дементьев В. Е., Паппэ Я. Ш. и др. М., 1999 (

References in Latin Alphabet

Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Евневич, М. А. (2007). Integrated Groups of Companies in today’s Russian Economy: Clarifying Definition and Classification for the Purpose of Management. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (1), 174–177. Retrieved from



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