How to Implement a Value Code: Transnational Corporate Cultures in Practice


  • Вольфганг Дороу European University Viadrina, Große Scharrnstrasse, 59, 15230, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
  • Сусанне Блазеевски European University Viadrina, Große Scharrnstrasse, 59, 15230, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany


The authors report on their findings from an empirical study of realization of global value incentives, i.e. of instruments of global corporate culture such as Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Codes of Conduct, or Corporate Ethics, in large multi-national companies, most of which are Germany home-based. After short analyzing of different theoretical positions with respect to this new phenomenon, the authors cluster the companies into three different types, depending on the incentives used, and reveal their main six shortcomings. Finally, they present seven recommendations to set up and introduce the consistent global corporate culture.


Organizational culture


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Author Biographies

Вольфганг Дороу, European University Viadrina, Große Scharrnstrasse, 59, 15230, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

профессор, доктор, декан экономического факультета

Сусанне Блазеевски, European University Viadrina, Große Scharrnstrasse, 59, 15230, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany



Литература на русском языке

References in Latin Alphabet

Bartlett C. A., Ghoshal S. Managing across Borders: The transnational solution. New York, 1998.

Blazejewski S., Dorow W. Unternehmenskulturen in globaler Interaktion. Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis. Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh, 2005.

Cox T. Cultural diversity in organizations. San Francisco, 1993.

Moore F. Transnational Business Cultures: Life and Work in a Multinational Corporation. Ashgate, 2005.

Schein E. H. Process consultation, action research and clinical inquiry: Are they the same? // Journal of Managerial Psychology. 1995. N 10 (6). P. 14–19.

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Unternehmenskulturen in globaler Interaktion / W. Auer-Rizzi, S. Blazejewski, W. Dorow, G. Reber (Hrsg.). Wiesbaden, 2007.

Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Дороу, В., & Блазеевски, С. (2008). How to Implement a Value Code: Transnational Corporate Cultures in Practice. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (1), 102–114. Retrieved from



Theory and Practice of Management