Process of the Iran's Accession to the World Trade Organization and Agricultural Import Regulations


  • Николай Александрович Кожанов St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The author analyses the influence of the negotiation process of Iran's accession to WTO on agricultural import regulations in the IRI. On the base of his assessments, the author makes an attempt to distinguish possible obstacles which the Iranian Government may face during negotiations with the WTO. He concludes that the bilateral talks will last for a rather long period during which the Iranian side will try to stipulate as much preferences for its domestic producers as it can.




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Author Biography

Николай Александрович Кожанов, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Литература на русском языке

Ганунэ буджейе сале 1386 кулле кешвар. Теhран, 1385. С. 76-77.

Джахан-э эгтесад. 1386. 14 дея.

Донйа-э эгтесад. 1384. 4 дея.

Могаддаси Р., Фаридрас В. Барраси-йэ незам-э та'рефе-йэ бахшэ кешаварзи-йэ иран те-йэ даурэ-йэ 1361-1382//Эгтесад-э кешаварзи ва тоусээ. 1383. № 48.

Наджафи Б. Сийасат-э газаи//Эгтесад-э иран. 1386. № 105.

Натаедж-е тафсили-йе саршумари-йе амуми-йе кешаварзи. 1382. Техран, 1383. С. 43.

Резвани М. Р. Мукаддамеи бар барнамеризийе тоусе'-йе рустаи дар иран. Техран, 1383. С. 5.

Ст. 29 бюджета ИРИ на 2000/01 г.

Ханлу М. Пардахт-э 52,4 heзар милйард рийал йаране-йэ калаha-йе асаси дар сал-э 1386. Теhpан, 1385. С. 15.

Холасейе тахввулате эгтесадийе кешвар. 1383. Техран, 1383. С. 24.

References in Latin Alphabet

Gilanpour O. Challenges of Iran's Agriculture Sector in Accession Process to the WTO. Vienna, 2006.

Iran Statistical Year Book -1382. Tehran, 1383. Table 2.4.

Iran. Trade and Foreign Exchange Policies in Iran. Reform Agenda, Economic Implications and Impact on the Poor/Ed. by D.Tarr. Washington, 2001.

Iran. Trade and Foreign Exchange Policies in Iran. Reform Agenda, Economic Implications and Impact on the Poor. P. 10.

Islamic Republic of Iran. An Agricultural Policy Note. P. 14.

Islamic Republic of Iran. An Agricultural Policy Note. P. 14.

Islamic Republic of Iran. An Agricultural Policy Note. P. 14.

Islamic Republic of Iran. An Agricultural Policy Note. Washington, 2004.

Schirazi A. The Problem of the Land Reform in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Complications and Consequences of an Islamic Reform Policy. Berlin, 1987. P. 8.

Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Кожанов, Н. А. (2008). Process of the Iran’s Accession to the World Trade Organization and Agricultural Import Regulations. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (4), 149–154. Retrieved from



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