Regional Asymmetry in the Russian Federation: a Statistical Aspect



Integrity of the federal state is determined to a large extent by the uniformity of territorial units in terms of their use of financial, economic, natural and social resources. Regional stratification negatively affects a life of the state, as it causes amplification of disintegration tendencies able to lead under certain circumstances to disintegration of the state. The regional differentiation is measured by means of special statistical indicators that allow to assess a level of asymmetry both between federal districts and also between smaller territorial units. The following parameters were used for studying the level of asymmetry between the Russian regions: the regional per capita total production; the average individual income per month; the general and economic crime rates. The results of calculations basically show negative asymmetry that testifies sharp distinctions between separate federal districts and between smaller territorial units of Russia.


federal state, social resources


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Author Biography

Нелли Антоновна Смирнова, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

кандидат экономических наук, доцент


Литература на русском языке

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References in Latin Alphabet

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How to Cite

Смирнова, Н. А. (2019). Regional Asymmetry in the Russian Federation: a Statistical Aspect. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (2), 118–125. Retrieved from



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