The cadastral value as a tool for monitoring the real estate market value




In the theory and practice of real estate valuation, in analytical studies of the dynamics of real estate markets there is a problem of tracking changes in market prices. The apparent simplicity of this task leads to the fact that in everyday practice both market participants and professional analysts are satisfied with observations of average prices. The advantage of this traditional approach is computational simplicity. However, in the conditions of presence of a large number of special software and extensive statistical material can be used more complex research methods. The purpose of this article is to research big current market data of real estate objects and compare these data with the cadastral value determined in accordance with Russian legislation as the market value at the specified date. In this regard, there are problems associated with the multidimensional distribution of market prices and cadastral values. The article presents the method of calculation of changes of the real estate market prices on the basis of comparison of two-dimensional prices distributions of offers and cadastral prices for two periods. The main problem in studying the dynamics of real estate market prices is the inability to track the change in market prices for each property, as objects are constantly put up for sale and removed from it. The work carried out in the Russian Federation in 2014 to
establish the cadastral value of real estate opens opportunity to analyze two-dimensional distributions of current market and cadastral prices and to assess the dynamic characteristics of the market for any real estate objects. The main result of article is the method which allows to apprise the market value of real estate in real time when new market data come by their comparison with the previously established cadastral value. Cadastral value is assumed to be defined as market value at the valuation date.


real estate market value, cadastral value, two-dimensional logarithmically normal distribution, multidimensional statistical analysis in real estate appraisal


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How to Cite

Gadasina, L., Laskin, M., & Zaytseva, E. (2021). The cadastral value as a tool for monitoring the real estate market value. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 37(1), 84–108.



Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics