Digital transformation in companies: Strategic analysis, drivers and models




The article provides terminology for processes of digitalization and digital transformation. For structuring digital transformation processes, the authors offer a modification of the strategic scorecard and distinguish technologies as an additional perspective. Using business cases, the authors analyzed approaches to digital transformation, revealed principal digital transformation models, and described them. The interrelations between targets, models, and strategies of digital transformation are demonstrated. The authors argue that digital transformation has to be considered to be a part of corporate strategy rather than isolated processes, with common strategizing tools and metrics applied. External and internal environment elements for digital
transformation are structured. It is shown that the internal digital environment can be evaluated with the companies’ digital maturity models. The external environment has a complex structure that can be described by the digital economy and society development in a country, a region, and a city; digital intensity level in an industry; and a digital ecosystem potential. All the authors’ contributions and conclusions are based on research papers, public statistical data, and analysis of Russian and foreign companies.


digital transformation, digitalization, digital strategy, strategic analysis, digital transformation model, digital environment, digital ecosystem, modified strategic card


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How to Cite

Tsenzharik , M., Krylova, Y., & Steshenko, V. (2020). Digital transformation in companies: Strategic analysis, drivers and models. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 36(3), 390–420.



Innovations and digital economy