Influence of external shocks on the spatial structure of the population of the border Territories


  • Павел Васильевич Дружинин Institute of Economics of Karelian Research Centre of the RAS
  • Дмитрий Александрович Зимин Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland



This article examines changes in the spatial structure of the population in border regions of Finland and Russia along the Finnish-Russian and Finnish-Swedish borders in 1970–2016.
The influence of external shocks (such as Russia’s economic reforms, liberalization of the border regime, and Finland’s accession to the EU) is analyzed. The article then identifies patterns of change in the population of territorial units, depending on their geographic location. Statistical models linking the dynamics of the population of territorial units and their location show that only since the early 1990s, i.e. during and after the aforementioned shocks, did population dynamics start to depend on distance to the regional capital and so-called “active zones.” On the Russian side, a few border municipalities were identified as active zones — they participate actively in cross-border cooperation and have developed transport and customs infrastructure, including international border crossing points. On the Finnish side, active zones include cities with strong regional universities generating and disseminating innovations. Cooperation of Finnish eastern border subregions with the Russian Federation has not had a significant impact. In contrast, some Finnish western coastal regions with small universities benefit more tangibly from their cooperation with Sweden. This collaboration increases their innovation potential. The results of the study could be useful for public bodies in charge of the development of border and peripheral regions.


border region, resettlement, spatial development, population migration, external shocks, Karelia, Finland


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How to Cite

Дружинин, П. В., & Зимин, Д. А. (2019). Influence of external shocks on the spatial structure of the population of the border Territories. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 35(3), 397–418.



Global economy and international finance