Measurement of Liquidity Risk of Credit Institutions on the Example of Russian Banking System


  • Мария Сергеевна Дедова National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
  • Дмитрий Игоревич Малахов National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
  • Николай Петрович Пильник National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation



The lack of liquidity in the banking sector was a key factor in the deployment of the latest financial cri- sis, but at the moment the authors do not know indicators to measure the liquidity risk for the banking system as a whole. In this paper, we propose an indicator that allows you to measure the adequacy of liquidity. Its construction is based on the separation of accounts, bank balance for liquid and illiquid based on a comparison of statistics intermonth flows and stocks at the end of the month. We show that for the Russian banking system this indicator will display the instability of the system, associated with a lack of liquidity, as well as a leading indicator for the banking crises of 2008 and 2014’s. The question of stability of distribution of the banks on this indicator during the crisis in the Russian economy is researched. Also in the work it is shown that the change in the time horizon in the calculation of the liquidity of the proposed definition of the indicator is a measure not only of the current liquidity risk, but the risk of instant liquidity and quality of funding.


Russia’s banking system, assets, liabilities, turnover ratio, duration, banking system crisis


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Author Biographies

Мария Сергеевна Дедова, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

Postgraduate Student

Дмитрий Игоревич Малахов, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation


Николай Петрович Пильник, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

PhD, associate professor


Литература на русском языке

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Дубинин С. К. Российская банковская система — испытание финансовым кризисом // Деньги и кредит. 2015. № 1. С. 9–12.

Дедова М. С., Пильник Н. П., Поспелов И. Г. Описание потребности в ликвидности со стороны российской банковской системы на основе статистики оборотов // Новая экономическая ассоциация. 2014. № 4. С. 87–110.

Малахов Д. И. Риски структурных изменений в отрасли и их последствия // Риск-менеджмент в кредитной организации. 2015. № 4(20). С. 72–88.

Малахов Д. И., Пильник Н. П., Радионов С. А. Стабильность распределения банков как аргумент в пользу концепции агрегированного агента // Экономический журнал ВШЭ. 2015. Т. 19, № 4. C. 395–422.

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Translation of references in Russian into English

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How to Cite

Дедова, М. С., Малахов, Д. И., & Пильник, Н. П. (2017). Measurement of Liquidity Risk of Credit Institutions on the Example of Russian Banking System. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 33(1), 078–103.



Financial markets