Development of instruments of financial diagnostics of crisis


  • Александр Александрович Баркар St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, 21, Sadovaya ul., St. Petersburg, 191023, Russian Federation



Despite positive trends in key macroeconomic indicators, the Russian economy remains sensitive to external and internal risks, and real incomes continue to diminish. As a result, the commercial real estate market, weakened during the last two years, is still far from stabilizing, indicating the need to improve instruments of crisis diagnostics. The goal of this paper is to develop models of crisis diagnostics for companies renting commercial real estate. To achieve this aim, we briefly review existing instruments, problems of their application, and improvements. The paper outlines in detail the stages of developing complex crisis diagnostics models with the use of methods of statistical classification of data, and we present results of the classification of economic entities in comparison with the foreign analogues.


crisis diagnostics, financial insolvency, discriminant analysis, logit-regression, forecasting


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Author Biography

Александр Александрович Баркар, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, 21, Sadovaya ul., St. Petersburg, 191023, Russian Federation

post-graduate student


Литература на русском языке

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How to Cite

Баркар, А. А. (2017). Development of instruments of financial diagnostics of crisis. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 33(4), 658–672.



Economics of firms and industrial management