Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief (co-editor)

Vitaly V. Kovalev  Dr.of Science, Professor,Department of Credit Theory and Financial Management, Faculty of Economics, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Vitaly V. Kovalev graduated from the St Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (accounting) in 1999; received his doctorate diploma in Accounting and Finance in 2005. Dr. Vitaly Kovalev has written several books and numerous articles on accounting and financial management. His research interests are in lease accounting and financing, financial statement analysis, and the role of financial information in corporate governance. His research is primarily concerned financial statement analysis, problems of accounting systems convergence, lease accounting and financing and the role of financial information in corporate governance.

Editor-in-Chief (co-editor)

Artem B. Prokhorov
PhD (Econ.), Prof., University of Sydney, Australia

Artem Prokhorov graduated from the St Petersburg State University in 1999 at the Department of the World Economy. He received his PhD in Economics from Michigan State University in 2006. He joined the University of Sydney in 2013, having previously worked as an Assistant Professor (2006-2011) and Associate Professor with tenure (2011-2013) at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Artem's research interests include theoretical and applied econometrics, with applications in business analytics, finance, risk management, labour and health economics, demography and other fields. Artem has published in top econometrics journals such as Journal of Econometrics. He is a regular presenter at international conferences and invited seminars in econometrics. He has held a number of visiting professorial appointments at universities including Harvard and UNSW and serves on scientific committees of several international conferences. He is currently an Associate Editor of Econometrics and Statistics and Rutgers Business Review and a Co-editor of St. Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies. Artem teaches courses in econometrics, statistical analysis and data mining for both undergraduates and postgraduates and serves as a supervisor to many MA and PhD students. Artem has previously taught in Canada, USA and Russia and has worked at a German investment bank.

Executive editor

Alexey V. Vorontsovskiy
Dr. of Science, Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Faculty of Economics, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Alexey V. Vorontsovskiy graduated from the Leningrad State University (now St Petersburg State University) in 1970 in the Department of Economic and Mathematical Calculations. He defended his thesis in Economics: Candidate of Economics (PhD) (1975), Doctor of Economics (1990). He is a professor at the Department of Economic Cybernetics of St Petersburg State University. Sphere of scientific interests: stochastic modeling of macroeconomics, theory and methods of investment justification, risk management in the real sector of the economy, theory and modeling of capital markets. He is the author of a number of monographs, textbooks and manuals on modeling capital markets, methods of investment decision making, risk management, modeling of economic growth. He has publications in the journals: «Vestnik of SPbSU. Economics», "Finance and business", «Problems of theory and practice of management»  etc. In 1977-1978 he passed an internship at the K.Marx University of Leipzig (DDR).He repeatedly trained in a number of universities in Germany: University of  Tuebingen, Free University of Berlin, Geothe University of Franrfurt-on-Main, Europa Universitу Viadrina of  Fankfurt-on-Oder; and in England: London Guildhall University.

Members of the Editorial Board

Andrey V. Belov
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof., Fukui Prefectural University, Japan

Andrey V. Belov graduated from the Leningrad State University (now St Petersburg State University) in 1981, Department of Political Economy. He defended his Candidate thesis in Economics in 1984, and Doctoral thesis in 2009. Sphere of scientific interests: regional economy, public finances, economics of Northeast Asia countries. He is the author of several monographs, textbooks and teaching manuals on regional economics and finances. He has publications in the following journals: "Economics and Mathematical Methods", "Vestnik of SPbSU. Economics", "Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences", "The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies", etc. He had research and educational contacts with a number of Japan’s universities and professional institutions: Osaka City University, University of Hokkaido, Kobe University and others.

 Sergey A. Belozerov
Dr. of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of the Scientific Committee in Economics and Business of St Petersburg State University, Head of the Department of Risk Management and Insurance, St Petersburg State University, Russia

Graduated from the Leningrad State University (now St Petersburg State University) in 1987 in the Department of Political Economy. He is the Head of the Scientific Committee in Economics and Business of St Petersburg State University, Head of the Department of Risk Management and Insurance of St Petersburg State University, Chief researcher of Laboratory of Asian Economic Studies of St Petersburg State University. Area of expertise: public finance, household finance, taxation, insurance, banking, reginal economy, and comparative analysis. He is the author of a number of monographs, textbooks and teaching manuals on finance, household finance, taxation, insurance, and banking. He has publications in peer-reviewed journals, including «Economic Issues», «Vestnik of SPbSU. Economics», «Economy of the region», «Russian Journal of Money and Finance», «Finance», «Journal of Applied Economic Sciences», etc. Internship: Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany), Vrije University Amsterdam (Netherlands), Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University (Japan), Kuala Lumpur University (Malaysia).

Imre Dobos 
DSc (Economics), Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Professor Dobos graduated in 1986 from the Karl Marx University of Economics (now Corvinus University of Budapest) as an economist in Hungary. During his career he studied and taught at the Corvinus University of Budapest and at the German universities Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and Universität Bielefeld. Since 2018 he has been a member of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Research areas: application of optimal control in management, use of Leontief's static and dynamic input-output models for environmental problems, modeling of reuse processes with optimal lot size models, and application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to supplier management problems. Professor Dobos has over 20 publications in database Web of Science, where the number of his citations are over 430. 29 of his publications are listed in Scopues with 606 citations and an h-index of 10.

Dmitry Yu. Fedotov
Dr. of Science (Economics), associate Professor, Professor of Department of trade and customs, Baikal state University, Irkutsk, Russia

Dmitry Y. Fedotov graduated from the Irkutsk state economic Academy (now BSU) in 1995 at the Department of Finance. He defended his thesis in Economics: Candidate of Economics (PhD) (1999), Doctor of Economics (2009). Dmitry Y. Fedotov is a Professor of the Department of trade and customs. Sphere of scientific interests: finance, regional economy, shadow economy, tax, social insurance, customs. He is the author of a number of monographs, textbooks and teaching manuals on regional finance, social insurance, customs. He has publications in the journals: "Finance", "Problems of forecasting", "Finance and Credit", "Insurance", "Man and work", "Finance business", "Taxes and financial law", "Criminology journal of Baikal national University of Economics and law", "Region: Economics and Sociology", "Studies on Russian Economic Development", "Journal of Tax Reform", etc. Dmitry Y. Fedotov is the winner of the prize of the Governor of the Irkutsk region for science and technology in 2002. Prof. Dmitry Y. Fedotov directed and participated in 27 research commissioned by the state scientific funds and establishments. Since 2013 Dmitry Y. Fedotov is an expert of the Analytical center under the Government of the Russia. 

Irina V. Filimonova
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Prof., Head, Department of Political Economy, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Irina V Filimonova graduated from the Novosibirsk State University (NSU) in 2003. She defended her thesis: Candidate of Economics (PhD) (2006), Doctor of Economics (2014). She is the head of the department of political economy of the NSU. Research interests: strategic planning of the development of the oil and gas industry in Russia, improvement of legislation in the field of subsoil use, geological and economic assessment of multi-scale projects in the oil and gas complex, government regulation and development of the sectors of the fuel and energy complex of Russia, strategic planning and evaluation of investment projects. She has publications in journals: “Problems of Theory and Practice of Management”, “Economics and Management”, “Siberian Financial School”, “Regional Research of Russia”, etc. 

Guan Xueling
Dr. of economic, Professor, Executive dean of the School of Economics, Renmin University of China(RUC), Director of the Center for Russian studies of Renmin University of China-Saint Petersburg State University, The deputy secretary-general of China Society of World Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China.a

Graduated from the Renmin University of China in 1984 in the Department of World Economy. After graduation in 1984, she entered to obtain a master's degree in the research institute of the USSR and Eastern Europe in the profile of the World Economy. She defended her thesis in Economics: master (1987), Ph.D (2001). She is the Executive dean of the School of Economics, Renmin University of China(RUC), Director of the Center for Russian studies of Renmin University of China-Saint Petersburg State University, a researcher at the Institute for the Study of Public Development and Strategy of RUC. Sphere of scientific interests: economy of the USSR and countries with transitional economy, world economic theory and international economic relations. She is the author of a number of monographs, textbooks and teaching manuals on the world economy, the transition economy, international trade and the development of the Russian economy, including: "The Biography of Boris Yeltsin" (1998), "The Hard Way - rebuilding the Russian economy in 8 years" (2000), "Russian Society in the Transition Period of the Economic Crisis" (2002), "Study of New Member States and economic integration of the EU "(2009)," Political Economy of Vladimir Putin "(Chinese edition 2015)," Political Economy of Vladimir Putin"(Russian edition of 2017).

Jeffrey Hass
Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor in sociology at the University of Richmond (USA) and part-time professor of economics at St Petersburg State University (Russia)

Jeffrey Hass received his BA from Harvard University (1989) and MA and PhD from Princeton University (1998) in Sociology. His research projects explore power, culture, institutions, and economic practices and change for Russian post-socialism and war. His publications include Economic Sociology: An Introduction (Routledge, 2007), Power, Culture, and Economic Change in Russia (Routledge, 2011), Rethinking the Post-Soviet Experience (Palgrave, 2012), and (with colleagues from St. Petersburg State University) Re-examining the History of the Russian Economy (Palgrave, 2018), as well as articles in in such journals as Theory and Society, Problems of Post-Communism, Sociological Forum, and Vestnik SPbSU. Economics. He continues to study post-socialism as well as the political economy of war in the Blockade of Leningrad. Professor Hass is an Associate Professor in sociology at the University of Richmond (USA), and since 2013 he is a part-time professor in the Department of Economic Theory at St Petersburg State University. 

Irina V. Ivashkovskaya
Dr. of Science, Professor of Finance and Head of the School of Finance, Head of Corporate Finance Research center National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Irina V. Ivashkovskaya graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, economic faculty with the major in international economy. Research interests: corporate finance, company valuation, governance, value based management in knowledge economy. She is the author of several monographs, textbooks and manuals in corporate finance and corporate governance. She has published in international and Russian journals: «Journal of Management and Governance», «Innovar»,  «Journal of Corporate Finance Research», “Vestnik of SPbSU. Management ", “Russian Management Journal”, "Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics", etc. She has worked in multiple projects of the Institute of the World Bank.   Internships at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, etc.

Dina A. Lvova
Associate Professor/Docent, Department of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Dina Lvova graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Yaroslavl State University in 1999 with initial specialization in accounting and audit. She received Candidate of Economics (PhD)  in 2002 and Doctor of Economics in 2016 at St Petersburg University. Dina’s research interests are mostly focus on accounting history and theory, public sector accounting and accounting fraud. Her research papers were published at “Accounting Historians Journal”, "Vestnik of SPbSU. Economics", “International Accounting, Finance and Business”. She is an author of book on the evolution of public sector accounting and a co-editor of several books on theory and history of Russian accounting and statistics.

Alexander N. Lyakin
Dr. of Science, Professor, Head, Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy, Faculty of Economics, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Alexander N. Lyakin graduated from the Leningrad State University (now St Petersburg State University) in 1980 with a degree in Political Economy. He defended his thesis in Economics: Candidate of Economics (PhD) (1984), Doctor of Economics (2003). Prof. Lyakin is the Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy of St Petersburg State University. Sphere of scientific interests: business cycles in the Russian economy, economic policy, privatization in transition economies. He is the author of a number of monographs and textbooks economic policy, Russian privatization, economic development of Russia. He has publications in the journals: "Vestnik of SPbSU. Economics", " National Interests: Priorities and Security", "Problems of modern economics ", etc.

Alexander A. Maltsev  Dr.of Science, Associate Professor, Global Economy Department, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Alexander A. Maltsev graduated from the Ural State University of Economics (USUE), Department of International Economic Relations. He obtained his Doctor of Economics degree from the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2017. Now Dr. Maltsev is an Associate Professor of the Global Economy Department of the USUE. His interests include international economic relations, history of economic thought, and methodology of economics. He has published on these and related topics in a number of journals, including  Economic Policy, International Organizations Research Journal, Social Sciences and Contemporary World, St. Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, The Moscow University Herald. Series: Economics, Voprosy Ekonomiki, World Economy and International Relations, etc. Dr. Maltsev is a member of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought.

Igor A.Mayburov   Dr. of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Financial and Tax Management, Ural Federal University named the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Igor A. Mayburov graduated from the Urals Polytechnic Institute named after SM. Kirov (now UrFU) in 1984. Candidate of Technical Sciences (1989), Doctor of Economics (2004), Associate Professor in the Department of State and Municipal Finance (2005), Professor in the Department of Tax Investigation (2008). Area of scientific interest: theory of taxation, tax benefits, tax expenses, efficiency evaluation, tax reforms, tax systems. Author of 350 scientific works. Author of several well-known textbooks, monographs and articles on the theory and practice of taxation. Chairman of the editorial board of the encyclopedia "Encyclopedia of theoretical bases of taxation." Chairman of the Program Committee of the Annual International Symposium "Theory and Practice of Tax Reforms", Editor-in-Chief of «Journal of Tax Reform» and «Bulletin of Ural Federal University».

 Nadezda V. Pakhomova
Dr. of Science, Professor,  Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Nadezda V. Pakhomova graduated 1971 from the Leningrad State University (now St Petersburg State University) at the Department of Economic Cybernetics. She defended her theses of a Candidate of Economics (PhD) (1974) and of Doctor of Economic Sciences (1988). Currently she is professor at the Department of Economic Theory of the St. Petersburg State University; Member of the Russian branch of the International Society for Ecological Economics; Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. She was deputy head of the research laboratory of St. Petersburg State University "Economic Performance and the Environment" (2015-2017). Her sphere of scientific interests:  industrial economics and competition policy; economics of natural resources and ecological management; economics and innovation management; institutional economy. She is author of several monographs, textbooks and teaching manuals on mathematical modeling of macroeconomic processes, industrial economics, ecological management, institutional economy and innovation economy. She published in the journals: “Voprosy Ekonomiki, “State and Law", " St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies"," Economy of Region ", "Innovation", "Oil industry", "Economics of agriculture in Russia"  «International Journal of Production Economics»,  «Central European Journal of Operations Research»,  «Journal of Business Economics»,  «Computers & Industrial Engineering», etc. She keeps research and educational contacts with several European universities. She was head (from the Russian side) of several international grants on economics of natural resources and ecological management.

Christopher A. Pissarides
PhD (Econ.), Prof., Nobel Prize Winner in Economics (2010), London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London, UK

Sir Christopher Pissarides is the Regius Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics. He was educated at the University of Essex and the London School of Economics (LSE), and he spent the bulk of his career at the LSE. He had long visits in the US Universities of Harvard, Princeton and California at Berkeley. Sir Christopher specialises in the economics of labour markets, macroeconomic policy, economic growth and structural change. He was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics, jointly with Dale Mortensen of Northwestern University and Peter Diamond of MIT, for his work in the economics of markets with frictions. He has written extensively in professional journals, magazines and the press and his book Equilibrium Unemployment Theory is an influential reference in the economics of unemployment that has been translated in many languages. He has scientific contacts with various universities, in particular, he is the scientific director of the Laboratory for Economic Growth at St Petersburg State University.

 Frederick van der Ploeg
PhD (Economics), Professor, University of Oxford, UK

Rick van der Ploeg is Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford, UK.  He is Research Director of the Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies. His research interests are (international) macroeconomics and public finance with special focus on the economics of natural resources and climate change, political economy and development economics. He is an elected Member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, a Corresponding Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Fellow of the European Economic Association, and an elected Member of the Academia Europaea. Previous academic appointments include Cambridge (1979-83), LSE (1983-88), Tilburg (1985-91), Amsterdam (1991-1998) and EUI, Florence (2003-07). He is former Chief Financial Spokesperson in the Dutch Parliament (1994-1998), State Secretary of Education, Science and Culture of the Netherlands (1998-2002) and Elected Member and Vice-Chair of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (2002-2007). He has been on the board of various commercial and non-profit organisations in the cultural sector. He has consulted for the European Commission, the OECD, the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the IMF Institute, the IMF, the World Bank and various governments and private organisations.  

Mikhail L.Pyatov
Dr. of Science, Professor, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Mikhail Pyatov graduated from the the St. Petersburg Institute of Commerce and Economics (1996). In 1997 he defended the PhD thesis in Economics, in 2003 – the Dr. Sci. in Economics thesis. He has been working at the Department of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University since 1999. Since 2004, he has held the position of professor of the department. In 2010 he received the title of professor. From 2014 to 2022 – Member of the Expert Council on Economic Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The main areas of research interests are information support for managerial decision—making, theory and history of accounting, regulation of accounting and auditing practices, methods of analyzing the reporting of economic entities. Author and co-author of scientific and educational works in the field of theory, history and regulation of accounting and corporate reporting, accounting data analysis. Member of the editorial boards of the journals "Accounting" and "Accounting in agriculture"

Knut K. Richter
Dr. rer. nat. habil, Professor, Head, Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

 In 1968, Richter graduated from the Leningrad (St Petersburg) State university (department of Economic Cybernetics), where 1972 he also defended his PhD in Economics. In 1978 he earned the German scientific degree “Dr. rer. nat. habil” at the Technical University Karl-Marx-Stadt (East Germany).  In 1968 – 1984, he served as Assistant and Associate professor at the Optimization department of the same German university. Besides that, he was teaching Mathematics at the Freiberg Mining University (1976 – 1979) and at the Addis-Ababa university (Ethiopia 1981 – 1984). In 1984 – 1992, he was head of the Chair for Mathematical Methods in the Economy at the Technical university Karl-Marx-Stadt, and 1992 – 2011 Chair holder for Industrial Management at the European university Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). His spheres of scientific interest cover Business Economics, Operations Research, Logistics, Environmental Management and Industrial Organization. He published several monographs and textbooks on optimization, environmental management and industrial organization. He is author of research papers for the European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Central European Journal of Operations Research»,  Journal of Business Economics,  Computers & Industrial Engineering, St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, Economy of the Region etc. He conducted several international research projects with Russian universities on business economics, natural resource economics, environmental management and higher education. The Ural State university of Economics granted him the Honoree doctor degree in 2007.

 Sergey V. Ryazantsev
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Sociology and Demography), Doctor of Economics (Demography), Professor, Head of the Center of Social Demography of the Institute of Socio-Political Research at the Russian Academy of Sciences.a

Sphere of scientific interests is social-economic and demographic aspects of migratory processes in Russia and foreign countries. The author more than 600 scientific publications, including monographs “Russians Abroad” (2014), “Modeling of labour migration in Central Asia” (2013), “The Chinese migration to Russia: consequences, tendencies and approaches to regulation” (2010), “The Atlas of demographic development of Russia” (2009), “Demographic perspectives of Russia” (2008), “Labour migration in the CIS and Baltic countries: tendencies, consequences, regulation” (2008), “Labour emigration of women from Russia: departure, employment and protection of the rights” (2008). Member of the scientific and expert councils of the Russian official structures (the Federal Migration Service of Russia, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Russia, the Ministry of Far East Development, the Federal State Duma Committee of Labor and Social Policy). The head and the participant of the research projects executed for Russian official structures (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) and international organizations (ILO, IOM, UNFPA, UN ESCAP, Council of the Baltic See States). S. Ryazantsev was a visiting professor at the University of California Davis (USA, as Fulbright Professor), Hokkaido University (Japan), University of State of Rio-de-Janeiro (Brazil), Hitotsubashi University (Japan), European University Institute (Italy). 

Andrey E. Shastitko
Dr. of Science, Professor, Head, Department of Competition and Industrial Policy, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of Center for research in competition and economic regulation studies, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia 

Andrey E. Shastitko graduated from the Moscow State University majoring in the political economics in 1989. He defended his thesis in Economics: Candidate of Economics (PhD) (1991), Doctor of Economics (1999). Prof. Shastitko is the head of the department of competition and industrial policy of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. He also works as the director of Center of research in competition and economic regulation at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Sphere of scientific and professional interests: new institutional economics, competition and antitrust policy, industrial and competition policy, corporate governance, models of man in economics. He is the author of a wide range of monographs, textbooks and teaching manuals on new institutional economics, antitrust policy, corporate governance. He has publications in journals: "Economics", "Russian Journal of Economics", "Law", "Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 6: Economics", "Baltic region", "Issues of Philosophy", "Journal of the New Economic Association", etc. He presented the results of his papers at national and international conferences: CRESSE Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation, Workshop on Competition Analysis and Competition Law Enforcement, "April International Scientific Conferences on Economic and Social Development, HSE", Second World Congress of Comparative Economics “1917 -2017: Revolution and Evolution in Economic Development”, etc.

Sergei F. Sutyrin
Dr. of Science, Professor, Head, Department of World Economy, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Sergei F. Sutyrin graduated from the Leningrad State University (now St Petersburg State University) in 1974, at the Department of Political Economy. He defended his dissertations as Candidate of Economics (PhD) in 1978, Doctor of Economics in 1989. Prof. Sutyrin is the Head World Economy Department of St. Petersburg State University. Sphere of scientific interests: basic trends of international economic cooperation, global governance, international trading system. He is the author of a number of monographs, textbooks and teaching manuals on international political economy and international business. He has published in Russian and foreign academic journals including: "Vestnik of SPbSU. Economics", "Voprosy Ekonomiki", "World Economy and International Relations", "Journal of East-West Business". More than 50 papers and articles have been publishedin the USA, Germany, Japan, Finland, China, Republic of Korea in English, Chinese and Korean languages. Participant of many international conferences and symposia as well as international research and educational projects.


Executive secretary
Kristina I. Pogorelova
 Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia