Improving customs administration in accordance with the EAEU Development Strategy until 2025




The article presents the results of the analysis of the process of economic cooperation of the EAEU member countries until 2025 in terms of improving the customs policy. Despite the constantly reaffirmed political will of the heads of state, the implementation of strategic cooperation is not proceeding fast enough, and the deadlines for a number of activities have already been violated. In this regard, the subject of the article is the study of the causes of such difficulties, which in the long term have a serious negative impact on the processes of integration of the economies of the EAEU member countries. The purpose of the study is to identify and level the most objective reasons for such difficulties in terms of the customs policy of the EAEU member countries. Demonstrates and reveals the range of methodological tasks set for the expansion of interstate economic cooperation in terms of customs processes. The analysis of the implementation of measures in the direction of customs administration is carried out, and the impact of such measures on the development of the EAEU as a whole is assessed. It is obvious that the efforts of the EAEU member states, especially in modern conditions, are aimed primarily at protecting their national economic interests. However, strategically, all members of the EAEU should benefit from the development of multilateral cooperation. Based on the comparative analysis, the author proposes tools for accelerating and improving
the efficiency of the implementation of integration in the field of customs administration. A number of proposals have been formulated regarding the format, timing of submission and content of these events. The issues of linking the legislative requirements of the EAEU member countries in terms of customs administration are considered. The results of the study showed that effective integration economic processes are impossible without their proper regulatory support, including in terms of customs administration.


customs regulation, customs administration, member states of the EAEU, Strategy for the Development of Eurasian Integration, customs procedure, customs operation, single standard for customs administration


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How to Cite

Davydov, R. (2022). Improving customs administration in accordance with the EAEU Development Strategy until 2025. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 38(2), 186–207.



Global economy and international finance