Digital maturity of industrial enterprises: Evaluation experience
The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and practical aspects of assessing the digital maturity of enterprises and their readiness for digital transformation in accordance with the challenges of the digital economy. The purpose of the article is to determine the relationship
between digital maturity and digital readiness of enterprises, prerequisites, factors and conditions
for their improvement. The achievement of the goal is ensured by the use of methods of comparative analysis, a system-structural approach, theoretical analysis of publications, the use of empirical methods, in particular questionnaires, quantitative methods and qualitative expert assessment. The possibility of applying digital maturity assessment models to study the readiness of industrial enterprises for digital transformation is being investigated. The criteria for assessing the digital maturity and digital readiness of enterprises are highlighted. In the course of the study, hypotheses were confirmed that there is a direct dependence of the readiness of industrial enterprises for digital transformation on the achieved level of digital
maturity of technologies and business processes in the company, as well as on the received and expected effects of digitalization, accumulated economic potential and projected risks. The main theoretical and methodological conclusions are outlined in the context of the identified
factors, prerequisites, conditions for increasing digital maturity and readiness of enterprises for digital transformation. The necessity of a systematic study of the influence of digital potential factors, various external and internal risk factors on the digital readiness of industrial
enterprises for the development of strategies, long-term plans and projects of digitalization and digital transformation is emphasized.
digital economy, digital transformation, digital maturity, digital readiness, industrial enterprise
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