Transition to the Market Economy in the Modern Russia and the Post-war Japan: Backgrounds and Opportunities for Comparative Analysis


  • Людмила Геннадьевна Шаталова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article pinpoints that peculiarities of modernization in Russia during the 90s and in Japan after the defeat in the Second World War are worth being compared. The author gives backgrounds for the comparative research of the depicted economic phenomena, and lays out the main similarities and differences between Russian way of transition to the market and the Japanese variant of market modernization.


Market Economy


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Author Biography

Людмила Геннадьевна Шаталова, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Литература на русском языке

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References in Latin Alphabet

Gregory P., Robert S. Comparative Economic Systems: 2 ed. Вoston, 1985.

Groningen Growth and Development Centre and the Conference Board. Total Economy Database. May 2006 (

Havrylyshyn О., McGettigan D. Privatization in Transition Countries: Lessons of the First Decade. 1999 (

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Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Шаталова, Л. Г. (2008). Transition to the Market Economy in the Modern Russia and the Post-war Japan: Backgrounds and Opportunities for Comparative Analysis. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (3), 147–150. Retrieved from



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