The Evolution of Commercial Credit and Formation of Credit Market


  • Александр Владимирович Канаев St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article is devoted to the evolution of commercial credit and its integrating role in the process of credit system formation. The early basic forms of credit working for domestic and international trade have been described, to investigate the origin of primary financial instruments. It is argued that operations with bills of exchange and promissory notes have shaped credit market and changed the main features of banking in the Middle Ages.


credit theory


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Author Biography

Александр Владимирович Канаев, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

кандидат экономических наук, доцент


Литература на русском языке

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References in Latin Alphabet

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Translation of references in Russian into English



How to Cite

Канаев, А. В. (2008). The Evolution of Commercial Credit and Formation of Credit Market. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (2), 091–105. Retrieved from



Finance, Credit, Insurance

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