Model of reflexive selection of implicit indicators of management activities of an organization


  • Дмитрий Михайлович Назаров Ural State Economic University, Russian Federation, 620000, Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta, 62–450



The article describes the economic-mathematical model of reflexive selection of implicit indicators of management activities of the organization in the framework of the classical approach implemented by R. Kaplan and D. Norton. According to the constructed model of the whole system of balanced performance indicators of the organization is represented in the form of the causal field, the structure of which contains three submodels: “implicit indicators”, “indirect indicators” “key performance indicators”. This representation allows not only to find the implicit performance of the organization in implementation of strategic goals, but to balance the total number of indicators, strategic maps, to estimate the strength of relations between indicators of submodels and within on the basis of fuzzy set theory, to justify and agree on their quantitative changes. The author gives an example application of the described approach based on the developed strategy map, ITERUS, Ltd and describes an information technology to automate the process of applying the model, presented in the form of a web service “Finding implicit parameters”. Refs 19. Figs 4. Tables 2.


reflexive management, balanced scorecard, organization, fuzzy sets, fuzzy binary relations, implicit factors implicit indicators of management activities


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How to Cite

Назаров, Д. М. (2017). Model of reflexive selection of implicit indicators of management activities of an organization. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 33(3), 498–518.



Mathematical models in economics