Crowdfunding phenomenon: investigation of features


  • Олег Владимирович Мотовилов St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Key points are considered: the world experience in the formation and functioning of crowdfunding, the activity of the platforms of crowdfunding in Russia, the possible risks to startups for the implementation of their projects through crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is defined as a way to raise funds for the financing of projects of individuals and organizations on a non-repayable, debt or shareholder basis within an investment or non-investment model from an unlimited range of individuals and organizations through special Internet sites. It is noted that at the initial stage people of artistic professions prevailed among users of crowdfunding. But gradually its benefits began to attract of innovative entrepreneurs. For start-ups, such support becomes an alternative to grants of special funds, as well as to venture financing. The types of crowdfunding are analyzed. It is noted that the development of the equity crowdfunding required preliminary revision of the legislation that was implemented in a number of countries, while the rules of regulation in them have their own peculiarities. The activity of special platforms of crowdfunding, including the largest Russian sites, is considered (from the standpoint of fundraising principles, commission fees, maximum collection time of money for the project, special requirements). Attention is drawn to the problems encountered by all participants in the process. The draft law on crowdfunding is analyzed; attention is drawn to the controversy of the objects of its regulation


crowdfunding, projects, startup, sponsors, investors, platforms, innovation, crowdinvesting, ICO, token


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Author Biography

Олег Владимирович Мотовилов, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Dr. Sci. in Economics, Professor


Литература на русском языке

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How to Cite

Мотовилов, О. В. (2018). Crowdfunding phenomenon: investigation of features. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 34(2), 298–316.



Business economics, production management and chain management supply

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