Determination of the optimal interval of the average load of the scientific equipment of the center for collective use




Modern Centers for the collective use of scientific equipment represent the basis for the formation of unique scientific competencies and competitive advantages in the market of research services. As highly specialized tools of scientific and innovative infrastructure, whose activities are aimed at implementing priority areas of scientific and technological development of the country, Centers funded, including from the state budget, face the need for a reliable assessment of the effectiveness of public funds investments, which leads to the formation of an objective need to improve the organization of work in this direction. The state regulator legislatively establishes requirements for monitoring the effectiveness of the use of expensive scientific equipment and a unique instrument base, however, the regulatory approach does not take into account the specifics of the functioning of the CCP regarding specialization, diversity of the instrument base, etc. This article discusses the problems of applying a standardized approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the centers for the collective use of scientific equipment and unique scientific installations. The general nature of the indicators included in the requirements for centers for the collective use of scientific equipment and unique scientific installations that have been created and (or) the functioning of which is provided with the involvement of budgetary funds does not reflect the differences between centers for collective use in terms of functioning, equipment composition, types of research and other essential characteristics. Attention is focused on one of the leading indicators, namely, the degree of loading. The authors believe that the averaging of requirements can lead to data distortion and neutralize the results of state monitoring, and suggest approaches to developing criteria for evaluating the optimal interval of the average load of scientific equipment of the center for collective use and justification of the appropriate time of such, depending on the type and purpose of use. The study was conducted on the example of the Center for Collective Use of St. Petersburg State University — St. Petersburg State University Science Park.


center for the collective use of scientific equipment, optimal loading interval, evaluation of the effectiveness


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How to Cite

Kropachev, N., Mikushev, S., Solovyov, A., & Trapeznikova, I. (2024). Determination of the optimal interval of the average load of the scientific equipment of the center for collective use. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 40(3), 338–354.



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