Advertising Campaign in the Internet: Problem of Measuring the Effect


  • Татьяна Андреевна Лезина Saint Petersburg State University
  • Татьяна Алексеевна Лукичёва St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Илья Николаевич Сидоров St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Setting goals in planning the online ad-campaign is very important, because it helps to evaluate the campaign’s results and effectiveness. In the modern marketing literature, we can see a common opinion that all goals of advertising have to coincide with the general objectives of the organization. However, for on-line advertising, a clear understanding of interconnection between web communication and the company’s performance, including marketing, has not formed yet. That is why the effectiveness of online advertising is rather doubtful for advertisers. Meanwhile, online advertising allows obtaining a wide range of quantitative indicators for its regular monitoring. This stimulates continuous improvement of tools evaluating the target audience, with a shift from quantitative to qualitative indicators of interaction with customers.
Need for strict harmonization of the company’s marketing goals and the results of online advertising becomes highly relevant for business, because of significant shifts of consumer attention and business activity to the virtual space.
Offering possible solutions to this problem, the article compares the goals usually set by the company making online advertising, and its effectiveness indicators widely used in the modern advertising practice. For each of the objectives considered, corresponding metric or system of metrics is set for evaluating and monitoring performance. The article analyzes general and specific conditions for eff ective application of the proposed system “metrics vs. objectives of online advertising”, examples of target indicators groups corresponding to particular kinds of metrics (“interaction with the advertising message” and “metrics used in the social media”).


Internet-marketing, Internet-advertising, online marketing metrics, Internet advertising efficiency


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Author Biographies

Татьяна Андреевна Лезина, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor

Татьяна Алексеевна Лукичёва, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Илья Николаевич Сидоров, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Post-graduate Student


Литература на русском языке

References in Latin Alphabet

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Translation of references in Russian into English

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How to Cite

Лезина, Т. А., Лукичёва, Т. А., & Сидоров, И. Н. (2013). Advertising Campaign in the Internet: Problem of Measuring the Effect. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (1), 132–142. Retrieved from



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