Theoretical Bases of Transformation of the Modern Public Administration



Actual problems of the necessity of transformation of public management and economy in the Russian
Federation are considered in the article. Discrepancy of the modern system of public administration to the
new state of economy and to the levels of development of the countries-leaders of the world economy is shown
and necessity of their transformation is proved. New defi nition of a category of transformation of economy
and management is given. System distinctions between modernization and transformation are shown. Strategic
barriers of development of the Russian Federation economy and society are specified.
Necessity of transition from the modernization concept to the concept of transformation of economy, society, and the government is proved in connection with the fast growth of instability of the world economy and the necessity of raising levels of critical technologies of scientific and technical development which are in deep crisis and lagging from today countries-leaders.
The new goals and criteria of transformation of public administration and economy of the Russian Federation are formulated. Principles and recommendations for the new concept of the modern state strategic management are offered which provide effective transformation of public administration and economy of the Russian Federation. 


economy, public administration, entrepreneurship, modernization, transformation, system approach, competitiveness, barriers, monitoring, control, critical technologies, new leaders, standards of living, bureaucracy, system effectiveness loss


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Author Biography

Юрий Алексеевич Маленков, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, Professor


Литература на русском языке

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References in Latin Alphabet

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How to Cite

Маленков, Ю. А. (2013). Theoretical Bases of Transformation of the Modern Public Administration. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, (2), 113–129. Retrieved from



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