APEC: Assessing progress towards the Bogor goals
Over 30 years, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation has evolved from an informal consultative
dialogue into a leading inter-economy forum for promoting open trade and investment, business facilitation, as well as economic and technical cooperation. The number of APEC economies has increased, the agenda has expanded significantly to include, for example, environmental issues, digitalization, and social aspects of regulation. At the same time, in the institutional sphere, the forum has preserved the principle of consensus in decision-making, as well as the voluntary nature of commitments made by participants and the lack of mechanisms to enforce them. There is not much research on the overall results of APEC’s activities, especially on quantitative assessments of sectoral performance. The article provides an overview of international studies analyzing the forum’s achievement in different areas, including the “Bogor Goals” of trade and investment liberalization in the region. In addition, the authors conducted their own quantitative evaluation of APEC’s sectoral performance based on I. Yamazawa’s methodology and developed proposals for improving the methodology. The assessments have shown that APEC has been very successful in promoting the Bogor Goals, though the economies still have not achieved full liberalization of trade and investment in the region by 2020 deadline. Nevertheless, APEC continues its work to promote trade globalization, share regulatory experiences and best practices, harmonize standards, and improve connectivity in the region.
APEC, trade and investment liberalization, Bogor goals, Asia-Pacific region, trade facilitation, Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific
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Manzano G., Prado S. A. (2015) Evaluation of the APEC Environmental Goods Initiative: A Dominant Supplier Approach. Discussion Paper, series no. 2015-34. 40 p. URL: https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/127048/1/pidsdps1534_rev.pdf (accessed: 23.03.2021).
Melo J. de (2015) Trade Liberalization at the Environmental Goods Agreement Negotiations: What is on the Table? How Much to Expect? Paper presented at Third Annual Conference. Fiscal Policies and the Green Economy Transition: Generating Knowledge — Creating Impact. 29–30 January 2015, Venice (Italy). 20 р.
Munakata N. (2006) Transforming East Asia: The Evolution of Regional Economic Integration. Brookings Institution Press. 258 p.
Novikov D., Shumkova V. (2018) Mega-Regional Agreements and the Struggle for Economic Order in the Asia-Pacific Region. Asian Politics & Policy, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 791–811.
Okamoto J. (2012) Trade Liberalization and APEC. Routledge. 271 p.
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Park I. (2018) Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia: Past and Future. Development Policy Review, vol. 38,iss. 2, pp. 206–225.
Poon Jessie P. H. (2001) Regionalism in the Asia Pacific: is Geography destiny? Area, vol. 33.3, no. 3, pp. 252–260.
Shepherd B. (2016) Did APEC’s Trade Facilitation Action Plans deliver the goods? Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 43, pp. 1–11.
The Regional Organizations of the Asia-Pacific. Exploring Institutional Change. (2003) Ed. by Wesley M.Palgrave Macmillan. 247 p.
Vossenaar R. (2013) The APEC List of Environmental Goods: An Analysis of the Outcome & Expected Impact. Geneva, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. 37 p.
Weixing Hu (2009) Building Asia-Pacific Regional Institution: The Role of APEC. Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences, no. 77, pp. 65–73.
Wesley M. (2001) APEC’s Mid-Life Crisis? The Rise and Fall of Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization.Pacific Affairs, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 185–204.
Yamazawa I. (1997) APEC’s Trade Liberalisation and the WTO. Australian Economic Review, vol. 30, iss. 1,pp. 98–102.
Yamazawa I. (2012) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. New Agenda in Its Third Decade. Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 140 p.
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