Modern models of systems of central bank digital currency




The article examines modern models of digital currency systems of central banks (CBDC) for retail payments and wholesale settlements. The study gives economic interpretation and defines the key characteristics of central bank digital currencies, identifies the features of the main models of digital currencies systems and analyzes the most advanced national implementation projects of CBDC. The study concludes that the digital currencies of central banks are a new (digital) form of fiat money. The implementation of digital currencies of central banks is due to the need to improve the efficiency of the monetary and payment systems and is aimed at preserving of the central banks as a monetary issuer. The main advantages of digital currencies for retail payments are the offer of a highly liquid, low-risk and universally accessible means of payment. The key benefits of wholesale digital currencies are to provide faster, safer, and cheaper cross-border payments. Among the models of digital currencies systems for retail payments (R-CBDC) the model of hybrid system is characterized by the best reliability and speed when processing a large number of payment transactions. Therefore, these systems are the most promising for implementation. Between the models of systems for wholesale payments (W-CBDC) systems with a universal digital currency are the most suitable for eliminating the main problems of cross-border payments. However, the implementation of such systems may require a large number of technological, managerial and financial changes in the payment systems of central banks. Currently, the most advanced project for issuing R-CBDC is the DCEP system of the People’s Bank of China, which is implemented on the basis of a hybrid model. W-CBDC projects are implemented jointly by the central banks of the leading countries, as they require financial and technological unification of settlements. Most projects of W-CBDC involve the use of systems with a convertible or universal digital currency.


central bank digital currencies, fiat money, money of central bank, models of digital currencies systems for retail payments, models of digital currencies systems for wholesale settlements


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How to Cite

Kochergin, D. (2021). Modern models of systems of central bank digital currency. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 37(2), 205–240.



Innovations and digital economy