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No. 4 (2007)
No. 4 (2007)
Institutional Theory: Douglas North
«Understanding the Society Organization and Changing».
Interview with the Professor Douglas North
Дуглас Норт, Данила Евгеньевич Расков
003 - 009
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The Rise of the Western World
Дуглас Норт
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Economic methodology
Anthropological approach to research of economy: formulation of the problem
Михаил Алексеевич Румянцев
025 - 035
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Economic Theory
Wages as a Category of the Modern Market Economy
Владимир Иванович Котелкин
036 - 040
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The Components of Inflation: Reproductive Approach
Татьяна Викторовна Коцофана
041 - 050
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Socio-economic Problems of Russia
Saint Petersburg Industry: Modernization or Degradation?
Феликс Федорович Рыбаков
051 - 058
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The Place of Research Organizations in the Modern Russian Economy
Сергей Васильевич Валдайцев
059 - 073
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Development of the non-conventional Power Industry in the Northern Russia
Марина Альбертовна Безуглова
074 - 080
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Global economy
Gustav Schmoller and Globalization
Хайнц Ритер, Иоахим Цвайнерт
081 - 102
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Prospects of International Trading System Development: Challenges for Latin American Countries
Сергей Феликсович Сутырин, Александра Геннадьевна Прокопова
103 - 110
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The history of economic growth and economic thought
To the Problem of Forming on of Financial and Credit System of the Ancient Rus
Алексей Валентинович Валеров
111 - 118
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Developing of Virgin and Long-Fallow Lands in the Economic History of the U.S.S.R.
Елена Борисовна Сошнева
119 - 127
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Statistics and Accounting
Some Methods of Classification for Federal Regional Units
Нелли Антоновна Смирнова, Сергей Анатольевич Смирнов
128 - 136
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Problems of Estimating of Work in Progress Value
Татьяна Ивановна Зайцева
137 - 141
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On the Necessity of Transition to the New Model of Strategic Management
Юрий Алексеевич Маленков
142 - 152
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Using of Controlling Instruments in the Commercialization of Products of Intellectual Activity
Сергей Владимирович Осипов, Екатерина Анатольевна Спиридонова
153 - 159
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Finance, Credit, Insurance
On Professional Standards of Insurance Intermediaries
Игорь Александрович Фомин
160 - 164
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Short Scientific Reports
Using Balanced Score Cards for Small and Medium Companies
Елена Анатольевна Давыденко
165 -169
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The Government Policy of Support of Industrial Products Export in the Republic of Korea
Ирина Александровна Коргун
170 - 174
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Using the Factor and Optimization Models for Operation Leverage Control
Любовь Юрьевна Ласкина
175 - 179
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Coal Market in the North-East Asia
Зоя Сергеевна Подоба
180 - 185
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Current Academic Events
Economic Development: Theory and Practice. Review of proceedings of the International Conference
Алексей Владимирович Воронцовский
186 - 192
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Entrepreneurship and Reforms in Russia. Review of the 12th International Conference of Young Economic Scientists
Татьяна Олеговна Терентьева
193 - 194
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Economic Problems of the Modern Globalization. Review of the International Students’ Conference
Александра Геннадьевна Прокопова
195 - 196
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Briffly about New Books
Raskov N. V. Russian Economy of Transition: Economics of Distorting Mirrors
Иван Михайлович Рисованный
197 - 200
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Post-Soviet Institutionalism / Ed. by R. M. Nureev, V. V. Dementiev; Post-Soviet Institutionalism-2006: Power and Business / Ed. by R. M. Nureev
Данила Евгеньевич Расков
201 - 204
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Novickov A. V. National Economic Mentality in the Context of Russian Reforms
Алексей Игоревич Нечитайло
205 - 206
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